“I have not yet begun to fight!” – John Paul Jones

Become a Member today or purchase the perfect gift for someone special.
JPJ Founding Member (Limited Time Only)
Be one of the first to help us keep the museum open
- Free entrance to the Museum and John Paul Jones Birthplace Cottage for a year
- Your name on our membership wall as Founding Member
- Your name in our newsletter as a Founding Member
- Bi-annual newsletter
- Printable Founding Member Membership card
- First to know about limited print run souvenirs (e.g Caps, Stickers, Hoodies)
Ships Mate
Help us stay open by giving us an income we can rely on
- Free entrance to the Museum and John Paul Jones Birthplace Cottage for a year
- Your name on our membership wall
- Bi-annual newsletter
- Printable Membership card
- Access to limited print run souvenirs
Take support to the next level and get extra perks.
- Free entrance to the Museum and John Paul Jones Birthplace Cottage for a year
- Your name on our membership wall (Larger than Ships Mate)
- Bi-annual newsletter
- Printable Membership card
- 10% off Refreshments (Must show your membership card)
- Access to limited print run souvenirs
How does becoming a member help us?
- To have a stable income
- To plan for the future
- Protect and Maintain the museum for future generations
- Allows us a way to connect with our supporters
Are there more plans?
More Plans are on their way, these include Lieutenant, Captain and All American War Hero. We are currently working on these and the special perks that will come with them. If you are interested in finding out more about these please contact us and we will keep you informed.
“I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast, for I intend to go in harm’s way.”
John Paul Jones – Letter to Le Ray de Chaumont (16 November 1778)